6 July 2013

First Field Results

We are excited to announce the results of our field experiments.

Capsicum :

Trial on capsicum plants was conducted in Nahsik District, Maharashtra. Exact location of the trial plot is given in the below map :

Farmer Sahebrao Sabale agreed to conduct testing of our product on his fields ( net house ).  As can be seen in the below video the left row was given NPK + Biochar treatment & the right row was given a treatment of only regular NPK fertilizer.

Yield increase of over 40 % was observed.

Other notable observations were that capsicum plants treated by biochar grew taller, more flowering was visible & leaves were greener. More capsicums developed from nodes ( 3-4 as against 1-2 for the non treated row of plants). The roots of the plants treated with biochar were healthier & thicker.

Cauliflower : 

Trial on cauliflower vegetable was again conducted in Nahsik District of Maharashtra. Exact location is given in the below map :

Farmer Bhaskar Sanap was kind enough to give a portion of his farm for our product testing. As can be seen in the below video , the left side of the field was given only a dose of NPK whereas the right side of the field was given a dosage of NPK + Biochar.

The results are impossible to miss as can be seen in above video. The plot which was treated with biochar had a better germination rate , leaves were greener & larger.  Most importantly the cauliflower vegetable itself was larger & heavier.

Yield increase of 30 % was observed.

Conclusion : 

The above trials prove the effectiveness of biochar in India beyond a doubt. Biochar is known to take time to start showing results in soil , However the above results far exceeded our own expectation considering the short cycle nature of the 2 crops ( Capsicum & Cauliflower).

In the coming months we hope to share results of our other field trials as well. Please stay tuned !!!

- Sagar Bhansali

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