6 October 2020

Biochar in landscaping


            Anulekh's biochar based products are increasingly being used as a preferred ingredient in  landscaping. Anulekh's products have shown great results in water conservation abilities & increase growth / quality of turf & plants.  

Landscaping projects where biochar is being preferred includes turfs , gardens , golf courses & beautification of real estate. Anulekh's product offers great benefits to landscapers . Pls contact for more info. 

2 May 2017

Recognition by Wockhard Foundation

We are happy to announce that our founder Mr Sagar Bhansali has been awarded " Agricultural activist of the year " by Wockhardt Foundation for the work done on behalf of our company Anulekh Agrotech under the innovation popular awards - agriculture category.

- Vaishali Patel

5 December 2016

Potato trials in Maharashtra

Anulekh partnered with one of the leading potato chip manufacturing companies for trial on potato farms in Maharashtra.

Soil analysis was done of the trial plot at the start of the agri-season from a leading soil testing laboratory. All the major parameters were checked & noted.

The plot was divided into two parts. In one half of the plot the regular NPK practices were followed. In the treated section of the plot regular NPK practices + BIOSAT was applied.

All other agronomic practices remained same in both the plots.

After a duration of 75-80 days harvesting was done on both the plots.

As can be observed from the above pic the yield in the BIOSAT ( biochar ) plot was very good. A yield increase of approximately 10 percent was observed. A 10 percent increase in tuber crop like potato is considered to be very good.

In addition to the quantitative parameters the qualitative & soil characteristic also showed drastic improvement.

In qualitative parameters the FL Solid (14.64 for control & 15.71 for treated ) & TPOD ( 5% for control & 2 % for treated - lower is better as it means less wastage ) measurements were much better in the BIOSAT treated plot.

In soil characteristics the Organic Carbon level increased significantly in the treated plot ( 0.3 % ) as against the control plot ( 0.12 % ). Also there was a slight correction in the Ph.

To summarize , there was a marked improvement in the qualitative , quantitative & soil parameters in the treated BIOSAT plot as against the control plot in which regular practices were followed.

-Sagar Bhansali

4 June 2016

Organic Certification

We are excited to announce that our product BIOSAT SUPER has obtained Organic Certification for inputs as per NPOP standards. 

This will now enable organic farmers to use our product in their fields without any fear from certification bodies. We are the first company in India to obtain organic certification for Biochar based products. 

Please contact for more info & ordering !!!

- Sagar Bhansali

12 August 2015

BIOSAT Apple Orchard Trials in H.P

We commenced trials of BIOSAT on Apple trees in Shimla District, Himachal Pradesh in February 2015.

Results are very positive as observed just prior to the Harvesting season. Kindly hit the link below for video :

Important Observations from the field are :
  • Farmers have seen a marked improvement in yield of plants/trees wherein BIOSAT has been applied
  • Results on trees with 10 kg Biochar application are very good but trees with 14 kg  BIOSAT application show even better results 
  • Color of apples is as required without the addition of chemicals
  • There is a shortage of FYM & hence farmers are showing willingness to fully / partially substitute FYM with BIOSAT

- Sagar Bhansali

7 March 2015

Record Strawberry results !

Farmers that used Anulekh's BIOSAT across Panchgani & Mahabaleshwar belt in Satara district of Maharashtra have observed record high yields. Yields have gone up by an average of 15-20 %.

In addition to increase in yield other parameters which showed positive outcome included plant growth ,& root development. Farmers also observed that there plants were resistant to Nematode attacks.

Pls hit the link above for a video with a farmer located in Mahabaleshwar taluka of Satara District.

- Sagar Bhansali

27 January 2015

International year of Soils

2015 has been declared the international year of Soils by the United Nations. Soils play an important part of in our lives & must be maintained for a sustainable future. Some of the major roles that soil play are as below :

  • Food Media : Food is grown by using a soil as a media in agriculture. Soils help in absoprtion of nutrients & water by crops. Soils also provide anchorage to crops & trees. Soils play a major role in ensuring food security.
  • Ensures bio-diversity : Soils are medium in which billions of different life forms exist. These include bacteria , fungi , insects & fauna. All these organisms have a role to play in our environment.
  • Climate change mitigation : Soils regulate carbon & other nutrient cycles. Soils are the biggest source for carbon sinks. It helps in limiting Green house gas emissions, which cause global warming. Soils also filter water which flows into the ground water table & ultimately into the water supply through rivers & lakes. Excessive chemical usage can cause eutrophication. 

Soils are almost a non-renewable resource from a practical time frame. Soils take thousands years to form. Hence it is very essential that soils are protected from degradation / contamination which are caused by human activities

- Sagar Bhansali